To retrieve the ACL (Access Control List) details in an Oracle database, you can use the following SQL script. This script queries the DBA_NETWORK_ACLS and DBA_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES views to get information about the ACLs and their privileges:
An Access Control List (ACL) in Oracle is a list of network privileges for a particular host and a specific principal (user or role).
ACLs control the network access rights of database users and roles. Each ACL is associated with a specific host, and you can grant or deny network privileges to specific principals for that host.
ACLs are essential for managing network access to and from the Oracle database, especially when the database interacts with external services or applications over the network.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON COLUMN acl_id FORMAT 999 COLUMN principal FORMAT A15 COLUMN is_grant FORMAT 999 COLUMN privilege FORMAT A10 COLUMN start_date FORMAT A20 COLUMN end_date FORMAT A20 COLUMN acl FORMAT A8 COLUMN host FORMAT A20 COLUMN lower_port FORMAT 999999 COLUMN upper_port FORMAT 999999 COLUMN description FORMAT A50 SELECT a.aclid, principal, is_grant, privilege, TO_CHAR(start_date, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') AS start_date, TO_CHAR(end_date, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') AS end_date, a.acl, host, lower_port, upper_port FROM dba_network_acls a JOIN dba_network_acl_privileges p ON a.aclid = p.aclid;
The script joins the DBA_NETWORK_ACLS view with the DBA_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES view to retrieve detailed information about ACLs and their associated privileges. Here's what the script does:
acl_id: The unique identifier for the ACL.
principal: The principal (user or role) associated with the ACL.
is_grant: Indicates whether the privilege is granted or denied.
privilege: The specific privilege being granted or denied.
start_date: The start date for the ACL privilege.
end_date: The end date for the ACL privilege.
host: The host for which the ACL applies.
lower_port: The lower port range for the ACL.
upper_port: The upper port range for the ACL.
Sample Output
ACLID PRINCIPAL IS_GR PRIVILEGE START_DATE END_DATE ACL HOST LOWER_PORT UPPER_PORT ---------------- --------------- ----- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- 0000000080002760 ORACLE_OCM true resolve /sys/acl localhost s/oracle -sysman- ocm-Reso lve-Acce ss.xml 0000000080002724 GGSYS true resolve NETWORK_ * ACL_86B6 4B66DF95 012EE053 F706E80A 06B7 0000000080002724 GSMADMIN_INTERN true resolve NETWORK_ * AL ACL_86B6 4B66DF95 012EE053 F706E80A 06B7
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