enq: TM - contention Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible Resolution

The "enq: TM - contention" wait event in Oracle indicates contention for a table-level lock. This contention occurs when multiple sessions are attempting to acquire conflicting table-level locks concurrently, leading to performance issues as sessions have to wait for the locks to be released before they can proceed with their operations. 

 While there are similarities in the resolution strategies for "enq: TX - index contention" and "enq: TM - contention," they do involve different types of contention (index-level vs. table-level). To clarify, here are specific resolution strategies for "enq: TM - contention" related to table-level lock contention: 

enq: TX - index contention Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible Resolution

The "enq: TX - index contention" wait event in Oracle occurs when multiple database sessions are contending for locks on the same index block. This contention can lead to performance issues as sessions have to wait for the locks to be released before they can proceed with their operations.


 In Oracle, locks are used to control access to data structures, including index blocks, to maintain data consistency and integrity. 

enq: TX - row lock contention Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible Resolution

The "enq: TX - row lock contention" wait event in Oracle occurs when multiple database sessions are contending for locks on the same row in a table. This contention can lead to performance issues, as sessions have to wait for the locks to be released before they can proceed with their operations.

 Explanation: In Oracle, locks are used to control access to data to maintain data consistency and integrity. 

Latch Free Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible Resolution

wait event in Oracle occurs when a session is trying to acquire a latch but finds it unavailable, resulting in a wait condition. Latches are low-level synchronization mechanisms used by Oracle to protect shared data structures in the SGA (System Global Area) from concurrent access. 

 Explanation: Latches are used to coordinate access to data structures like buffers in the buffer cache, library cache, or other shared memory structures. 

The "Latch Free" wait event happens when a session is waiting for a latch to become available. 

The wait event can occur for various reasons, including contention for a particular latch, inefficient latch acquisition patterns, or excessive latch acquisition requests. 

Log file sequential read Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible Resolution

The "log file sequential read" wait event occurs when a session is waiting for a single redo log file block to be read from disk into the buffer cache in a sequential manner. This wait event is common during log file access operations, such as reading redo log records during recovery or archive log processing. 

 Explanation: During database operations, especially during recovery processes, Oracle may need to read specific redo log records stored in redo log files on disk. 

The "log file sequential read" wait event indicates that a session is waiting for an I/O operation to complete, bringing the requested redo log block into the buffer cache.

Fix runInstaller [INS-32042] The Installer has detected that the user (oracle) is not member of the central inventory group: wheel

Problem Description

Oracle installation or runinstaller failed with below error message. 

[INS-32042] The Installer has detected that the user (oracle) is not member of the central inventory group: wheel

log file parallel write Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible Resolution

The "log file parallel write" wait event occurs when Oracle is writing redo log information to multiple redo log files in parallel. This wait event is related to the process of committing transactions and ensuring that redo log records are safely stored on disk. 

 During a transaction commit, the changes (redo log records) made in the transaction need to be written to the redo log files on disk to ensure data durability. 

log file sync Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible Resolution

The "log file sync" wait event occurs when a session is waiting for a commit's redo records to be written from the redo log buffer to the redo log file on disk. This wait event is crucial for ensuring data durability and is typically associated with transaction commits. 


 When a user or application commits a transaction, the changes (redo records) are first written to the redo log buffer in memory. 

db file scattered read - Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible Resolution

The "db file scattered read" wait event occurs when a session is waiting for multiple data blocks to be read from disk into the buffer cache in a scattered manner. This wait event is common when a query or operation requires access to multiple non-adjacent data blocks that are not currently in memory. Explanation: This wait event indicates that a session is waiting for I/O operations to complete, bringing the requested data blocks into memory. It often occurs during full table scans or index range scans where multiple non-contiguous blocks are read.

db file sequential read - Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible Resolution

The "db file sequential read" wait event occurs when a session is waiting for a single data block to be read from disk into the buffer cache in a sequential manner. This wait event is common when a query or operation requires access to a specific data block that is not currently in memory. Explanation: This wait event indicates that a session is waiting for the I/O operation to complete, bringing the requested data block into memory. It usually occurs during SELECT operations or when an index is being accessed. It's a normal part of database operations, especially in OLTP systems where individual data blocks are frequently accessed. 

How to Get Bind Variable Value in Oracle Database

To retrieve the value of a bind variable in Oracle, you can use the V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE view or the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package, depending on your use case. Here's how you can do it: Using V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE View: The V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE view provides information about captured bind values for SQL statements in the library cache. You can query this view to retrieve the values of bind variables for specific SQL statements. 

How to Get or Display Explain Plan of SQL Baseline - DBMS_XPLAN.display_sql_plan_baseline

you can use the DBMS_XPLAN. DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE procedure to display the execution plan associated with a specific SQL Baseline. This procedure is part of the DBMS_XPLAN package and is designed to show the execution plan for a SQL statement using its SQL ID or SQL handle, including those stored in SQL Plan Baselines. Here's an example of how to use DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE:

Fix Error: ORA-13541: system moving window baseline size (691200) greater than retention (259200)

Problem Description:

When I trying to change the AWR snapshot setting I am getting below error. 

Error: ORA-13541: system moving window baseline size (691200) greater than retention (259200)

SQL> get afiedt.buf
  2    retention_num NUMBER;
  3    interval_num NUMBER;
  4  BEGIN
  5    -- Set the desired snapshot retention period (in days)
  6    retention_num := 3*24*60;
  7    -- Set the desired snapshot interval (in minutes)

DBMS_XPLAN - Script To get The Explain Plan from cursor

To retrieve the execution plan (explain plan) for a specific cursor in an Oracle database, you can use the following SQL*Plus script. This script uses the DBMS_XPLAN package to display the execution plan for a given SQL statement: An execution plan (explain plan) provides insights into how Oracle's query optimizer intends to execute a given SQL statement. It shows the sequence of operations and access paths used to retrieve data from the database.

How to Fix Oracle VM - failed to open a session for the virtual machine - After upgrading windows

Problem Description:

 I was facing an issue with Oracle Virtual Machine after upgrading windows 10 to 11. I had to reimage my system with latest windows 11 OS. After that I installed the Oracle VM of version 6 which is an old version. I tried to load an linux image to the same which was already available with me and it was perfectly working with windows 10 and Oracle VM 6. Post upgrade of windows 11 I tried to install oracle vm 6 and load the linux image it was giving the following error. 

Kite Fest - Google Pay - Gpay - How to Get sharing Link ?Get up to Rs. 100 cashback once you fill the sky with 200 kites

First time when I tried to share the link of Gpay kite fest with friends, I couldn't do that. It was not showing the whatsapp or copy link option. 

For that you need to update your google pay app to get the latest version and you can try below option

Sample Link

1. Open google pay app

How to Get Oracle Redo Log Files, Members, Size, Name and Status - Query

To retrieve redo log information from an Oracle database, you can use the following SQL*Plus script. This script queries the V$LOG view to provide details about the redo log files in the database. Redo logs are a critical component of Oracle databases. They record all changes made to the database, allowing for recovery and transaction consistency. The redo log files are divided into groups, and each group contains one or more members (physical files). The V$LOG view provides information about redo log groups in the database, including their sequence numbers, sizes, members, statuses, and other details. Please note that querying the V$LOG view requires appropriate privileges. Test the script in a controlled environment before running it in a production database.

How to Find / Retrieve / Get ACL details in Oracle Database

To retrieve the ACL (Access Control List) details in an Oracle database, you can use the following SQL script. This script queries the DBA_NETWORK_ACLS and DBA_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES views to get information about the ACLs and their privileges: An Access Control List (ACL) in Oracle is a list of network privileges for a particular host and a specific principal (user or role). 
ACLs control the network access rights of database users and roles. Each ACL is associated with a specific host, and you can grant or deny network privileges to specific principals for that host. ACLs are essential for managing network access to and from the Oracle database, especially when the database interacts with external services or applications over the network.

How to Find out Oracle Database Uptime in Hours or Days - Script

To find out the database uptime in Oracle, you can use the following SQL script. This script calculates the database uptime by subtracting the startup time from the current time Database uptime refers to the duration of time that a database has been running since its startup. 

Monitoring database uptime is important for ensuring the availability and reliability of the database. It helps track how long the database has been operational and can be useful for performance analysis, maintenance planning, and system monitoring. The v$instance view in Oracle provides information about the current instance of the database, including the startup time.

How to Revert / Convert USB Drive into 64GB (Actual Size) From Windows Bootable Image of Size 32GB?

Reverting a USB drive to its actual size involves removing any partitions, formatting the drive, and potentially restoring its original firmware. If you have a 64GB USB drive that has been modified to appear as a 32GB drive with a Windows bootable image, you can follow these steps to revert it back to its actual size:

How to Enable or Disable All Triggers in a Oracle Schema - Script

To disable all triggers in an Oracle schema, you can use the following SQL script. This script generates the necessary SQL statements to disable all triggers and then executes them. Disabling triggers can be useful in scenarios where you need to temporarily suspend their execution, such as during data maintenance, bulk loading, or troubleshooting activities. Disabling triggers can prevent them from firing and affecting the normal operation of the database.

Script to Find out Row Count of All the Tables in a schema

To retrieve the row count of all the tables in a schema, you can use the following SQL script. This script queries the DBA_TABLES view to get the row count for each table in the specified schema

col table_name for a40 
  owner = 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME';

Script to Find and Cleanup Orphaned Datapump Jobs

Orphaned Data Pump jobs are jobs that have been left behind due to various reasons, such as an interruption or error during the execution of the job. These orphaned jobs are not actively running but are still present in the database. To clean up these orphaned Data Pump jobs, you can use the following script

SQL Query to Get / Find out Character Set Information of an Oracle Database

The script queries the NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS view to retrieve character set-related information of the database. Here's what the script does: PARAMETER: This column represents the name of the parameter related to character sets. VALUE: This column contains the value of the character set parameter. The WHERE clause filters the results to include only rows where the parameter name contains the string "CHARACTERSET". This ensures that you get the relevant character set information.

SQL Queries to View, Modify Awr Snapshot Interval Setting

To view the current settings of AWR (Automatic Workload Repository) snapshot retention and interval, you can query the DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL view. Here's a SQL query along with a brief explanation and example output

col SNAP_INTERVAL for a40 col RETENTION for a40 

SQL Query to Find Out Current Utilization of Redo Log in Oracle database

This script calculates the utilization percentage of the redo log in the Oracle database. The redo log consists of multiple groups, and each group can have multiple log members (files). We use the V$LOG and V$LOGFILE views to obtain information about the redo log groups and their associated log members, respectively. The V$LOG view provides information about the redo log groups, and the V$LOGFILE view provides information about the log files associated with each group.

SQL Scripts for Indexes and Data Dictionary Queries in Oracle and Sample Outputs

1. Retrieve Information About Indexes from Data Dictionary Views 

 This script retrieves information about indexes from the data dictionary views (all_indexes, dba_indexes, or user_indexes). Replace 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME' with the name of the schema you want to query. The script returns details about the indexes in the specified schema, such as index name, associated table, uniqueness, status, tablespace, and indexed columns.

SQL Query to Get Tables Which are Not Having Index on Foreign Key(FK) Column

To identify tables in an Oracle database that do not have an index on their foreign key columns, you can use the USER_CONSTRAINTS and USER_INDEXES views. Here's a SQL query to retrieve such information 

SQL Query to Find Out Timezone Information from Oracle Database

Query 1

To view timezone information in an Oracle database, you can use the DBTIMEZONE and SESSIONTIMEZONE functions along with the FROM_TZ and TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ functions. 

Here's a SQL query to achieve this:

SQL scripts for Indexes and Index-Organized Tables (IOTs), along with sample output, description, and SQL queries

1. List the Indexes Associated with an Index-Organized Table 

This script lists the indexes associated with a specific Index-Organized Table (IOT). Replace 'YOUR_IOT_TABLE_NAME' with the name of the IOT for which you want to view the associated indexes. The script queries the all_ind_columns data dictionary view to retrieve index information for the specified IOT.

SQL scripts for index compression in Oracle, along with sample outputs

1. Identify Indexes Using Index Key Compression 

This script identifies indexes using index key compression. It queries the all_indexes data dictionary view to find indexes that have compression enabled (compression = 'ENABLED'). The compress_for column provides information about the compression level, such as "QUERY HIGH," "QUERY LOW," or "ARCHIVE HIGH."

SQL scripts for index performance analysis in Oracle

1. Estimate the Impact of Dropping an Index on Query Performance 

 This script estimates the impact of dropping an index on query performance. Replace with the original query you want to analyze. Execute the script to generate the execution plan for the original query.

SQL scripts for index usage by SQL statements in Oracle

1. Identify SQL Statements Not Using an Existing Index 

This script identifies SQL statements that are not using an existing index. It queries the v$sql view to find statements that do not contain hints for index usage (/*+ INDEX(...) */ or /*+ FULL(...) */). This helps identify potential opportunities for index optimization.

SQL scripts for index monitoring and statistics in Oracle

1. Check the Last Analyzed Date of an Index 

This script checks the last analyzed date of a specific index. Replace 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME' and 'YOUR_INDEX_NAME' with the appropriate schema and index names you want to query. The script queries the all_indexes data dictionary view to retrieve the last_analyzed date for the specified index.

SQL scripts for indexes and partitioning in Oracle

1. Identify Indexes on Partitioned Tables or Specific Partitions 

 This script identifies indexes on partitioned tables or specific partitions. Replace 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME' and 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME' with the appropriate schema and table names you want to query. The script queries the all_ind_partitions data dictionary view to find indexes associated with partitions of the specified table.

SQL Scripts for Indexes and Constraints in Oracle

1. List Indexes Associated with a Specific Table Constraint 

 This script lists indexes associated with a specific table constraint, such as a primary key or unique constraint. Replace 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME' and 'YOUR_CONSTRAINT_NAME' with the actual table name and constraint name you want to query. The script joins the all_indexes and all_constraints data dictionary views to retrieve information about the indexes linked to the specified constraint.

SQL Scripts for Index Maintenance and Alterations in Oracle:

1. Disable or Enable an Index Temporarily 

 This script disables an index temporarily for maintenance or testing purposes using the ALTER INDEX ... UNUSABLE statement. Replace 'YOUR_INDEX_NAME' with the name of the index you want to disable. Once you have finished your maintenance or testing, you can re-enable the index using the ALTER INDEX ... REBUILD statement.

SQL Script for Index Recommendations and Analysis in Oracle:

1. Generate Index Recommendations using Oracle SQL Tuning Advisor 

 Description: This script generates index recommendations using the Oracle SQL Tuning Advisor for a specific SQL statement. Replace 'SELECT /*+ YOUR_HINTS */ YOUR_COLUMNS FROM YOUR_TABLE WHERE YOUR_CONDITIONS;' with the actual SQL statement you want to tune.

SQL scripts for index statistics and monitoring in Oracle

1. Gather Index Statistics for a Specific Index or All Indexes 

These scripts use the DBMS_STATS package to gather index statistics. The first script gathers statistics for a specific index, where you need to replace 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME' and 'YOUR_INDEX_NAME' with the appropriate schema and index names. The second script gathers statistics for all indexes in a schema using the GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure.

Script to Generate Index Rebuild Scripts for Heavily Fragmented Indexes

This script generates index rebuild scripts for heavily fragmented indexes with clustering factors greater than 1000. It uses a PL/SQL block to iterate over the indexes and generates an ALTER INDEX ... REBUILD statement for each index. The generated scripts are displayed using the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE function. These advanced scripts provide additional functionality,

Script to Analyze Index Fragmentation and Generate Maintenance Scripts

This script analyzes the fragmentation of indexes with clustering factors greater than 1000 and generates maintenance scripts based on the fragmentation level. It uses a PL/SQL block to iterate over the indexes, and for each index, it determines whether to rebuild it (if clustering factor > 2000) or reorganize it (if clustering factor <= 2000). The generated scripts are displayed using the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE function.

Oracle SQL Script to Check Index Fragmentation and Maintenance

1. Check Index Fragmentation and Determine Level 

This script checks the index fragmentation level for indexes on a specific table. It queries the all_indexes data dictionary view based on the schema name and table name, and displays the index name, table name, B-level (branching factor), number of leaf blocks, distinct keys, and clustering factor. Higher clustering factor values indicate potential fragmentation.

Oracle SQL Script for Index Usage and Performance:

1. Identify Underused or Unused Indexes 

 This script identifies underused or unused indexes in a specific schema. It queries the all_indexes data dictionary view based on the schema name, status, and index statistics (num_rows and leaf_blocks). The output displays the index name, table name, status, number of rows, and number of leaf blocks.

Oracle SQL Script to Retrieve Index Information - with Description and Sample Output

1. Query to list all indexes on a specific table or schema.

This script lists all indexes on a specific table. It queries the all_indexes data dictionary view based on the table name and displays the index name, table name, uniqueness (UNIQUE or NONUNIQUE), and status (VALID or INVALID) of each index.

Script to Analyzes the Efficiency of Indexes in an Oracle Database:

This script performs the following steps: 
 1. Creates a temporary table (index_analysis_results) to store the index analysis results. 
2. Loops through all non-system indexes (NORMAL index type) in the database (excluding system schemas and recycle bin objects). 

RMAN Script That Incorporates Various Backup and Recovery Operations

This script includes the following operations:

Full Backup:
  • Allocates a channel for the backup destination.
  • Performs a compressed backup of the database using the BACKUP AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG command.
  • Releases the allocated channel.

RMAN Archive Log Backup Script

This script backs up all archived redo log files generated since the last backup. The BACKUP ARCHIVELOG ALL command ensures that all archived logs are included in the backup.

RMAN Script For Incremental Backup

An incremental backup captures only the changes made since the last backup, reducing the backup size and optimizing restore time. It helps in efficiently backing up large databases while providing the ability to restore to a specific point in time.

RMAN script for performing a full database backup

This script performs a full database backup, including data files, control files, and archived logs. It uses a single channel (ch1) for backup and stores the backup as compressed backup sets. The PLUS ARCHIVELOG clause ensures that the archived logs are also included in the backup.

Script to Find Active Sessions in an Oracle Database

This script retrieves information about active sessions in the Oracle database. It selects session ID, session serial number, username, operating system username, machine name, program name, session status, session logon time, and the number of seconds since the last call.

Script to Identify and Resolve Blocking Sessions in Oracle Databases

Description: This article focuses on understanding and addressing blocking sessions in Oracle databases. We explore the impact of blocking sessions on database performance and discuss techniques for identifying and resolving these issues. By analyzing blocking session details, including blocking session ID, session ID, serial number, username, SQL ID, and the event causing the blocking, DBAs can effectively manage and mitigate blocking scenarios.

Script: Efficient Session Monitoring Techniques for Oracle DBAs

Description: This article focuses on the importance of session monitoring in Oracle databases and provides insights into active sessions and their activities. We discuss the significance of identifying and managing active sessions, understanding session-related details such as session ID, username, program, status, and SQL ID, and demonstrate how this information can be used to optimize database performance.

Script: Effective Tablespace Usage Monitoring for Oracle DBAs


In this article, we explore the importance of monitoring tablespace usage in Oracle databases and provide a comprehensive script to track the total size, used space, and percentage of space utilized for each tablespace. We delve into the significance of efficient tablespace management and how monitoring can help prevent potential space-related issues.

Nokia G42 5G and Nokia G310 5G: Exciting New Smartphones Set to Debut with Enhanced Connectivity


Nokia, a renowned call inside the global of cellular generation, is gearing up to launch two surprisingly predicted smartphones – Nokia G42 5G and Nokia G310 5G. These devices promise to provide an greater cell revel in with their magnificent specifications and advanced connectivity features. In this newsletter, we can delve into the info of these upcoming Nokia smartphones and explore what they've in shop for tech enthusiasts.

Genshin Impact 3.8 Livestream: Exciting Updates and Codes Revealed


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MLB The Show 23 Update 10: Patch Notes and Exciting Changes


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Can I download Microsoft Bing Read Aloud Audio to MP3 Format?

Microsoft Bing Read Aloud is a function presented by way of the Bing seek engine that allows customers to concentrate to the spoken content of net pages. It makes use of textual content-to-speech generation to transform written text into spoken phrases, allowing users to pay attention the content material rather than reading it manually.

Google Pixel Feature Drop Brings Exciting Enhancements and New Functionality


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Apple Enhances Podcast Discovery with New Subcategories and Search Functionality


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Unraveling the Ancient Artistry: Neanderthal Finger Marks Found on Cave Walls

In a charming archaeological discovery, finger marks left by way of Neanderthals on cave walls were recognized as a number of the earliest recognized forms of Neanderthal art. These enigmatic markings offer a unique glimpse into the creative expressions of our ancient human relatives. In this article, we can delve into the significance of this discovery and discover the mysteries surrounding the origins and meanings of these prehistoric finger marks.

Hell Let Loose Update 1.019: What's New in the Latest Release

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Missing Titanic Submarine Operated by Video Game Controller: The Rise of Gaming Technology in Military Operations


In a shocking improvement, it has come to light that the lacking Titanic submarine, which captured global interest, become operated the usage of a video game controller. This revelation highlights the growing trend of army corporations incorporating gaming era into their operations. In this text, we discover the captivating intersection of video game controllers and navy device, shedding light on the benefits, demanding situations, and implications of this rising fashion.

Rogue Company Patch Notes 2.25 Update: Exciting New Features and Improvements


Rogue Company, the famous group-primarily based tactical shooter, has recently rolled out the notably predicted Patch Notes 2.25 replace. Packed with new functions, gameplay improvements, bug fixes, and stability changes, this replace brings fresh excitement to the Rogue Company network. In this newsletter, we delve into the info of the two.25 update, highlighting the key additions that players can sit up for experiencing.

Nikon Unveils Two Exciting New Lenses: Introducing the Nikkor Z 180-600mm and More


Nikon, a renowned name in the global of images, has recently introduced distinctly expected lenses which are set to raise the competencies of professional photographers and enthusiasts alike. This article delves into the exciting features and functionalities of the newly unveiled lenses, particularly the Nikkor Z a hundred and eighty-600mm and another undisclosed lens, dropping mild on their potential to supply outstanding photograph best and enlarge the creative horizons of photographers.

NoiseFit Crew Pro Smartwatch: A Feature-Packed Wearable for an Active Lifestyle

In the ever-evolving global of wearable era, the NoiseFit Crew Pro Smartwatch has emerged as a feature-packed tool catering to the needs of fitness fanatics and tech-savvy people. This article offers an in-depth exploration of the NoiseFit Crew Pro, highlighting its extraordinary features, aggressive pricing, and its capability to enhance the consumer revel in.

Unveiling a Year-Long Cyber Attack: Insights into RDStealer Malware and RDP Brute-Force Attacks


In a current discovery, cybersecurity professionals have uncovered a sophisticated 12 months-long cyber attack campaign that exploits Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) vulnerabilities. This article delves into the info of the assault, focusing on the RDStealer malware and the alarming rise in brute-force attacks targeting RDP honeypots.

The Rise of Generative AI in Journalism: Transforming the News Landscape


As the virtual age unfolds, the integration of synthetic intelligence (AI) in journalism is revolutionizing the way news is produced, fed on, and dispensed. This complete article delves into the growing trend of newsrooms embracing generative AI and explores its multifaceted impacts on journalism. From enhancing news production to addressing moral concerns, we have a look at the opportunities and demanding situations that AI gives to the future of journalism.

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From Gaming to Deep-Sea Exploration: The Surprising Role of Video Game Controllers in Submarines


Video sport controllers are no longer confined to gaming consoles. In a fascinating development, it's been found out that a missing submarine, the Titanic Submersible, is operated the usage of a online game controller. This article explores the unconventional use of online game controllers in submarines, the rising trend within the army's adoption of gaming technology, and the latest surge in demand for a particular controller because of its affiliation with the Titanic Submersible.

Meta's Potential Rivalry with Twitter: A Closer Look at Mark Zuckerberg's Strategy


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Xiaomi Pad 6: A Feature-Rich Tablet at an Affordable Price


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Unlocking the Potential of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs): Boost Performance and Decision Making


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Supercharge Your Workflow with Google Keep: Tips and Tricks


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Unveiling the Latest Tablet Offerings: Redmi Pad 2, Realme Pad 2, and Alleged Xiaomi Pad 6 Pro


The pill market maintains to adapt, with new gadgets and features being added to cater to the diverse wishes of clients. In this article, we discover the modern-day tablet offerings,
consisting of the Redmi Pad 2, Realme Pad 2, and the alleged Xiaomi Pad 6 Pro. From rate variety and specifications to rumored features, we provide an outline of those thrilling new additions to the tablet panorama.

The Perfect Yoga Companion: How the Apple Watch Enhances the Yoga Experience


Yoga enthusiasts are always in search of gear and generation that can enhance their exercise and assist them acquire their wellbeing desires. In recent years, the Apple Watch has emerged as a popular choice amongst yoga fanatics because of its range of functions and abilties. In this newsletter, we discover why the Apple Watch is a excellent pairing for all yoga lovers and how it provides fee to their yoga adventure.

Exploring Business Strategies and Growth Prospects in the Yoga Clothing Market


The yoga apparel marketplace has witnessed great growth in current years, driven with the aid of the increasing recognition of yoga as a shape of bodily and intellectual well-being.
Major players in the industry have adopted numerous enterprise techniques to seize marketplace share and cater to the evolving desires of yoga enthusiasts. This put up delves into the commercial enterprise techniques hired via key gamers within the marketplace and explores the growth possibilities of the worldwide yoga garb industry.

Tesla Semi Production Challenges: Addressing Recall Notice and the Future of Electric Trucks

🚛 Tesla Semi Production Faces Challenges: Recall Notice Raises Concerns

Recent traits in Tesla's Semi manufacturing have raised issues about the development of the electrical truck. According to a report through Fortune, a take into account observe has been issued for a few Tesla Semis,
indicating ability challenges inside the production procedure. The recall is expected to impact a tremendous range of motors, suggesting that manufacturing may nonetheless be dealing with hurdles.


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