OEM 12c Cloud Control - Add Host, Target, Cluster, ASM Instance, Database Manually

As a pre requisites add these entries in respective server.

1.      Add below entry to the /etc/sudoers file in the server where the agent to be installed or pushed.  

vi /etc/sudoers
oracle  ALL=(ALL)       ALL

2.      Change the property oracle.sysman.prov.agentpush.enablePty to true in agentpush.properties file where the OEM 12c installed.

vi /u01/app/oracle/oms12cr5/oms/sysman/prov/agentpush/agentpush.properties

Step 1

Connect to EM 12c cloud using sysman and its credentials.

Then click on setup->add target ->add target manually
Select Add Hosts Targets then click on the Add Host button

Step 2

Click on Add button and specify the hostname, hostname.

Step 3

Provide the oracle credentials in the named credentials field.

Step 4

Click on the Next button

Step 5

Click on the Deploy Agent button

Step 6

Click on the Done button

Step 7

Click on the Setup->Add Target->Auto Discovery Results
Then Click on Targets on Hosts()

Step 8

Select the CLUSTER first and promote.
Then you can promote ASM, Databases to OEM

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