How to Check the Required Data is Present in Flashback Database or not for Recovery?

Here is the query to find out whether you can recover the lost data using the flashback database option.

SQL>select to_char(OLDEST_FLASHBACK_TIME,'dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi'), to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi') FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;

---------------- ----------------
28-06-2014 01:34 28-08-2014 02:19

Here in above result we have the data from 28th of June as the transaction is very less with the database. Almost 2 months data can be flashback.

If the results of above query regularly indicate that the flashback database window does not satisfy the flashback retention target, you may need to increase your flash recovery area to accommodate more flashback logs. Again it would be as per your requirement.

The above view refers how much flashback log data is present for the database. However, the operations like shrinking or dropping of datafile, which can prevent the flashback database from succeeding against your entire database, even if flashback log data is available. The above query result will not reflect such cases.

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