How the table hits
by space fragmentation?
If a table has large number of
records and the particular table is getting updated or the rows getting deleted
periodically then there will be unused blank spaces (holes) in the table
segments. These blank spaces will get created by the row deletions which will
not be used without reorg or reclaiming. Over a period of time the volume of
the unused space will get accumulated to a huge size. These unused spaces are
called fragmentations. The oracle will not automatically release this space
into usable free space whereas we have to perform the reorg activity to claim
the fragmented space.
The delete or insert DMLs will not reset the High Water Mark (HWM).
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname => 'SCHEMA NAME', tabname => 'TABLE NAME', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, cascade =>
TRUE,method_opt => ' FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', degree => 8);
col owner for a20
col segment_name for a20
col SizeMBS for 999999.99
col wastedMBS for 999999.99
select ds.owner,
round(ds.bytes/1024/1024,0) SIzeMBS,
round((ds.bytes-(dt.num_rows*dt.avg_row_len) )/1024/1024,0) WASTEDMBS
from dba_segments ds, dba_tables dt
where ds.owner=dt.owner
and ds.segment_name = dt.table_name
and ds.segment_type='TABLE'
and ds.segment_name='&Table_name'
group by ds.owner, ds.segment_name, round(ds.bytes/1024/1024,0) ,round((ds.bytes-(dt.num_rows*dt.avg_row_len))/1024/1024,0)
having round(bytes/1024/1024,0) >100
order by round(bytes/1024/1024,0) desc ;
How to reset the HWM and Reclaim the unused space?
Method 1: Table shrinking -
- Syntax: alter table shrink space
- Most recommended method
- Applicable for the databases 10g and above
- No downtime required
- None of the depended objects will get invalidated.
- Minimum time consuming method
Shrink & Reclaim Space Example
Method 2: Conventional table move to different tablespace and bring it back
- It is time consuming method
- Application down time required as the table will not be available during the time of activity
- There are chances for the depened objects invalidation. It has to be properly verified after reorg
- Indexes also needs to be rebuild which requires an extra time apart from the table movement
- This activity requires extra space on other tablespace to move the table.
alter table < table name > enable row movement;
alter table < table name > move tablespace < new tablespace >;
alter table < table name > move tablespace < actual tablespace >;
alter tabel < table name > disable row movement;
Rebuild all the invalid Index
select status,index_name from dba_indexes where table_name = 'TABLE NAME';
- Application down time required as the table will not be available during the time of activity
- There are chances for the depended objects invalidation. It has to be properly verified after reorg
- Indexes also needs to be rebuild as all the indexes will get deleted as part of the table drop
- There are lots of risks involved in terms of primary key foreign key relationships etc.
- Not an easy or recommended task for huge production tables.
The delete or insert DMLs will not reset the High Water Mark (HWM).
What is HWM?
HWM is the pointer for marking used
blocks in the database. Oracle assumes that the blocks below the high water
mark is occupied or used even though there is lot of fragmentations. The blocks
above the HWM is get used always by Oracle. So over a period of time HWM level
goes up because of the new data inserts. But, nothing will get changed with the
table records deletes or inserts as it won’t reset the HWM automatically.
What is the impact
of Fragmentation in table?
Unnecessarily space will get blocked
by the tables even though it has free space. The query performance for these
tables will get degraded because of unwanted block scanning. There will be lot
of chained rows because of lack of space in the individual blocks. This is also
hit the performance
Query to find out
the table fragmentation-
Total reclaimable space / Fragmentation = Total space
occupied (sum of bytes from DBA_SEGMENTS) - actual data volume(Num_rows*avg_row_length
- DBA_tables)
To update the table statistics like num_rows &
avg_row_length you have run the analyze on the table using following commands.
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname => 'SCHEMA NAME', tabname => 'TABLE NAME', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, cascade =>
TRUE,method_opt => ' FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', degree => 8);
-----col owner for a20
col segment_name for a20
col SizeMBS for 999999.99
col wastedMBS for 999999.99
select ds.owner,
round(ds.bytes/1024/1024,0) SIzeMBS,
round((ds.bytes-(dt.num_rows*dt.avg_row_len) )/1024/1024,0) WASTEDMBS
from dba_segments ds, dba_tables dt
where ds.owner=dt.owner
and ds.segment_name = dt.table_name
and ds.segment_type='TABLE'
and ds.segment_name='&Table_name'
group by ds.owner, ds.segment_name, round(ds.bytes/1024/1024,0) ,round((ds.bytes-(dt.num_rows*dt.avg_row_len))/1024/1024,0)
having round(bytes/1024/1024,0) >100
order by round(bytes/1024/1024,0) desc ;
How to reset the HWM and Reclaim the unused space?
Method 1: Table shrinking -
- Syntax: alter table
- Most recommended method
- Applicable for the databases 10g and above
- No downtime required
- None of the depended objects will get invalidated.
- Minimum time consuming method
Method 2: Conventional table move to different tablespace and bring it back
- It is time consuming method
- Application down time required as the table will not be available during the time of activity
- There are chances for the depened objects invalidation. It has to be properly verified after reorg
- Indexes also needs to be rebuild which requires an extra time apart from the table movement
- This activity requires extra space on other tablespace to move the table.
alter table < table name > enable row movement;
alter table < table name > move tablespace < new tablespace >;
alter table < table name > move tablespace < actual tablespace >;
alter tabel < table name > disable row movement;
Rebuild all the invalid Index
select status,index_name from dba_indexes where table_name = 'TABLE NAME';
Rebuild all the depended objects
Run the following query to find out the status of
depended objects. There are chances to get invalidated the depended objects.
IN (select name from dba_dependencies where REFERENCED_NAME='TABLE NAME');
Reclaim Space With Table Movement
Method 3: Export the table, Drop table and import the
- It is
time consuming method- Application down time required as the table will not be available during the time of activity
- There are chances for the depended objects invalidation. It has to be properly verified after reorg
- Indexes also needs to be rebuild as all the indexes will get deleted as part of the table drop
- There are lots of risks involved in terms of primary key foreign key relationships etc.
- Not an easy or recommended task for huge production tables.
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