Add Oracle Constraints – Primary, Foreign, Unique, Check, Null to Existing Table



The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
Most of the time the syntax for the constraint addition is confusing one unless you are frequent to the table creation. Here I am giving some examples and syntaxes for the Oracle constraint creations.
  1. Primary Key
a.   With Create Table Command
SQL> create table dept
deptno number(2),
dname varchar2(14),
loc varchar2(13),
constraint pk_dept primary key (deptno)
Table created.

b.   Constraint addition Using Alter Table

SQL> alter table dept add constraint pk_dept primary key (deptno);

Table altered.

  1. Foreign Key: Foreign key must be referencing to a primary key of another table.
a.   With Create Table Command
SQL> create table emp
empno number(4) not null,
ename varchar2(10),
job varchar2(9),
mgr number(4),
hiredate date,
sal number(7, 2),
comm number(7, 2),
deptno number(2),
constraint FK_EMP foreign key (deptno) references  dept (deptno)

Table created.
b.   Constraint addition Using Alter Table

SQL> alter table emp add constraint FK_EMP foreign key (deptno) references  dept (deptno) ;

Table altered.

  1. Check Key

a.   With Create Table Command

SQL> create table emp
empno number(4) not null,
ename varchar2(10),
job varchar2(9),
mgr number(4),
hiredate date,
sal number(7, 2),
comm number(7, 2),
deptno number(2),
constraint CHK_emp_SAL check (sal>1000)

Table created.
b.   Constraint addition Using Alter Table
SQL> alter table emp add constraint CHK_emp_SAL check (sal>1000);

Table altered.
  1. Unique Key

a.   With Create Table Command
SQL> create table emp
empno number(4) not null,
ename varchar2(10),
job varchar2(9),
mgr number(4),
hiredate date,
sal number(7, 2),
comm number(7, 2),
deptno number(2),
constraint UK_EMP unique (empno)

Table created.

b.   Constraint addition Using Alter Table
SQL> alter table emp add constraint UK_EMP unique (empno);

Table altered.

a.   With Create Table Command
SQL> create table emp
empno number(4) not null,
ename varchar2(10) constraint NN_EMP_ENAME NOT NULL,
job varchar2(9),
mgr number(4),
hiredate date,
sal number(7, 2),
comm number(7, 2),
deptno number(2)

Table created.

b.   Using alter table command
SQL> alter table emp modify ename varchar2(10) constraint NN_EMP_ENAME NOT NULL;


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