How to Signup and Install / Add Google Analytics Code to Your WordPress / Blogger Blogs?



The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
How to Create Account with Google Analytics?
  1. Open the Google Analytics page by clicking

  1. Use your Gmail account to create a new Analytics account. If you don’t have a Gmail account create a new account with “SignUp Now” link
  2. Next window click on the sign up Button.

  1. Fill up your details to the next screen. Website URL, Time Zone, Country

  1. Fill up your Last Name and First Name details in the next screen
  1. Agree the Terms and Conditions
  1. Next screen you will be getting the Analytics code for you blog or web

How to Add Google Analytics Code to Blogger?
Method 1
  1. Login to blogger and  go to Design tab

  1. Click on the ‘Edit Html’ tab
  2. Search for /head tag in the HTML window

  1. Paste your Google Analytics code just above </head> tag
  2. Save the code
Method 2
  1. Login to blogger and  go to Design tab 
  2. Add a new Gadget of HTML/Java Script

  1. Paste the Google analytics code to the content window and leave the title as blank.

  1. Save the gadget
How to Add Google Analytics Code to WordPress?
You can add the Google analytics code by editing the footer.php file.
  1. Go to Design and select footer.php from the right column
  2. Search for </body> tag and paste your Google analytics code just above the /body tag.
  3. Save the code by hitting the “Update File” button.


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