How to Check and Find Out PF Account Balance and Details online? Portal Lauched on 01-07-2011with SMS



The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
It has been long time employees are waiting for the online facility to check the PF details through internet. Yes. It has been released with details of limited states accounts on July 1st of 2011. It is good news for the employees who are contributing to the Employee Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) of India.
Even though the site is in infant state, there is a hope to be expanded for the other regions also. J So it would be a just a click away to see the PF details online.
Here is the link to see the details.

This site also includes the latest approved transactions of settlement / advances / transfer-in / transfer-out

  1. You have to select the EPFO office from the list mentioned in the webpage.

  1. In the next screen you have to provide Establishment code and account number. Extension code(2nd of the 3 blank columns) can be null if there is no extension
  1. Provide your name as in PF slip in the next line
  1. Provide your mobile number to get the SMS 
  2. Click on “I Agree” and select it and click the submit button.

Wait for few minutes…. The SMS will come to your mobile with details. J

Now it is released with PF accounts details of Delhi (North), Delhi (South), Laxmi Nagar (Delhi), Gurgaon, Faridabad, Karnal and Bangalore regions.


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