Workaround for ORA-600 [k2vpci_2] SMON Crash and Subsequent startup fails



The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
Error description: Database SMON crash with ORA-600 [k2vpci_2]
Step 1: open the alert log file for the database.
Step 2: Find out the incident trace file which is mentioned with the ORA-600
Step 3: Open the trace file and search for the word “indoubt” and note down the rollback/undo segment name with indoubt transaction. The name would be like _SYSSMU<number>_???
Step 4: Add following entries to the init<dbname>.ora file
vi init<dbname>.ora
       _offline_rollback_segments="_SYSSMU<number> _???
event = "10513 trace name context forever, level 2"
Step 5: Connect to sqlplus with sys as sysdba user and startup the database.

Permanent Fix: Apply Patch 10222544 on your Oracle Home


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